Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the September issue

in the fashion publishing business, the September Issue is one hell of an issue, tres important. Just ask Vogue magazine's editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and the documentary film, which aptly titled The September Issue and chronicled the making of the magazine's fall issue. Even though my blog isn't a fashion blog like TheModelFactor, OneSixtyNotePad, etcs., but yours truly has the heart and soul of a true fashionista. 
And especially since I've been so busy this summer working on something irrelevant to the site (sorry guys :( kisses), I'm going to make my September update the best of them all. It'll be @llenina's SoapBlog's own "September Issue" :D It'll be glorious!! So stay tuned ^_^ xoxo @llenina

Thursday, August 09, 2012

My birthday is Friday, August 10th...

What u getting me? xoxo @llenina