Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
new gallery added today ^_^ with membership
kinda like Xmas on the beach ^_^
have a great holiday season :) and look forward to seeing you all in 2013 love hugs @llenina
have a great holiday season :) and look forward to seeing you all in 2013 love hugs @llenina
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Been busy doing a play ^_^
If u follow my blog fairly religiously, u might remember I did a play a while ago called Tales of a Fourth Grade Lesbo!!?? I had a small part playing a mean girl... a very difficult part for a nice person like me ^_^ (an ex-bf or two would probably say otherwise haha :P) The title is a play on Judy Blume's novel "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing." The play is written by Gina Young, who was a "4th grade lesbo," and is full of teenage angst and dance numbers. This weekend is the second run of the play. As I sit here in the backstage writing this, our very last show of this run will go on in about 2 hours at Carrie Hamilton Theatre at the Pasadena Playhouse. I really like this play: it's smart, doesn't take itself too seriously, yet is clear about the social messages it wants to deliver ^_^ I wonder how long Gina can keep showcasing this play? >O_o<
Most of the audience so far come from the LGBT community, but I believe the characters are identifiable by all! I could be wrong haha lol, just a biased hunch ^_^ We are sold out every show so far, so I know at least some folks like it. Well, got to go, need to get ready :) talk soon LOVE XOXO @llenina
Most of the audience so far come from the LGBT community, but I believe the characters are identifiable by all! I could be wrong haha lol, just a biased hunch ^_^ We are sold out every show so far, so I know at least some folks like it. Well, got to go, need to get ready :) talk soon LOVE XOXO @llenina