Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
obviously i love dressing up as a kitty ;)
do you like? i think pics are in my member area ;) wink wink
xoxo love @llenina

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Hi guys, I'm back. Today actually is my 3rd day back, I got back on Saturday night 12/13th. So u must be asking, where are the sexy updates? I know I know I'm sorry, I'm back but I'm so severely jet lagged. I'm not fully adjusted to the time here in Los Angeles yet - I wake up way too early, sleepy all day, tired, etc. Backward Jet Lag is so bad, it's my 3rd day back and I'm still adjusting. Forward Jet Lag is a lot easier to deal, I was fine in HK within a day.
Ok but no excuse, I'll update some pics tmrw the 17th if I'm functioning better, if not the 18th Thursday. Love love xoxo @llenina hugs
Ok but no excuse, I'll update some pics tmrw the 17th if I'm functioning better, if not the 18th Thursday. Love love xoxo @llenina hugs
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Sunday, December 07, 2014
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
The day before flying out to Hong Kong, I slipped and fell and landed on my butt and elbows cuz it was raining out, the floor was slippery. But it was my left elbow that took most of the beating. Chk out my bionic elbow 😁 #icepack now #heat later People I fell on my ass bawhahahaha I wish I got that on video 😂